Renovation of the staircase

On the ceiling of the staircase, various layers of paint that were difficult to dissolve in water were found. A new painting of the ceiling with a washable dispersion paint is planned. Please list the necessary steps and justify the proposed solutions

The steps for painting the ceiling are as follows:

1) Całkowite osłonięcie podłogi.

2) Pomalowanie sufitu klatki schodowej:

usunięcie różnych warstw farby przez namoczenie wodą i zeskrobanie, optionally using a dispersion remover;

naprawienie małych uszkodzeń i ubytków tynku gipsową masą szpachlową;

zagruntowanie specjalnym środkiem do tynków;

pomalowanie wstępne farbą dyspersyjną zmywalną;

pomalowanie nawierzchniowe farbą dyspersyjną zmywalną. Paint layers on various binders are difficult to remove, but if they are left and a new coat is applied, blisters and chips form. This is why, according to technical recommendations, it is necessary to thoroughly remove layers of old paint before painting. Must be added, that the use of paints on mixed binders is not recommended precisely because of the difficulty in removing them.

Please justify, why adhesive paints should be washed off before applying a dispersion paint coating and why it is not recommended, as a pre-treatment of the substrate, strengthening the adhesive paint layer by priming with a plaster agent
The adhesive paint layer cannot be properly reinforced with a plaster primer. Admittedly, first layer of dispersion paint, applied on the adhesive paint, there is no damage, but later applied layers of dispersion paint fall off on large surfaces, because the water from the dispersion paint penetrates through the paint layer and dissolves the adhesive paint. Unfortunately, it is difficult to recognize the adhesive paint under the layer of dispersion paint.

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