Impregnating agents

Silicone impregnations are divided into three groups depending on the size of their particles. Please list these groups and indicate their advantages:
There are three groups of silicone impregnants:
1. Silany (silanes):
Due to their extremely small particles, these impregnants have a particularly good penetration capacity. They are also suitable for moist and alkaline substrates.
2. Siloksany:
The slightly larger particles of these impregnating agents penetrate well into the substrate. It can also be moist and alkaline.
3. Żywice silikonowe:
Due to the larger particles, they have a slightly weaker penetration ability. They only dry naturally and therefore work instantly. The substrate should be dry, but it can be basic.

What are the advantages of silicone impregnating agents for stone and plaster??
Such measures:
1) są bardzo wydajne;
2) są odporne na zasady;
3) są absolutnie bezbarwne, so they do not change the shade of the substrate;
4) nie żółkną;
5) mają działanie silnie odpychające wodę;
6) they hardly reduce the diffusion capacity;
7) retain their effectiveness for a long time;
8) they can be painted over.

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